Saturday, September 4, 2010

Reminiscing While Preparing For Back-To-School

Wow! It's that time of year again. This semester Princess Zaria will be entering 4th grade. I met her teacher, Ms. Ivy, last week to discuss the curriculum. The 4th graders will be doing some real challenging work this semester, especially in math. Getting ready for this season of education actually takes me back to a time before Princess Zaria. Rewind 16 years ago, my oldest son was preparing to enter preschool.

I was so excited for him. At that time, he was the only child. I knew school would be a great outlet for him. I taught him the basics at home but I wanted him to gain social skills with other children. Back then, schools tested children before they entered preschool. If they failed the test, they were admitted. If they passed, they were placed on a waiting list.

My son passed the test!

He was asked his first and last name- passed.
He was asked primary colors-passed.
He was asked to count to 10- He counted to 20. Then he counted to 10 in Spanish!!!!

Well, let's just say he didn't learn to socialize with other kids that year:(
I always wondered why some parents encouraged their kids to dumb down for preschool.

Well, he's 20 now and music production is his Spanish!

I'm so proud of my children. What are your back to school memories?


  1. It all goes by so quickly doesn't it? I will always remember Amara's first day of preschool. Every child was latched on to their parent's leg. Mine? Walked right in and never looked back :)

  2. Wow. They weren't admitted to preschool for being too SMART?!? Times have certainly changed...

  3. Tracy@ Just Another Mommy Blog No they weren't. They wanted to take the kids who really were behind before taking the other kids. Some parents would ask their kids to dumb down so they could go to school.

  4. @ Mom2Amara I know. We are the ones who have the hardest time with preschool. Our kids see the other kids and forget all about us. LOL!
